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Magic Seasons Preschool & School Age Program
If you are interested in preschool or school age care, please call the Monument Square office (664-4657) or the Family Child Care Office (664-3256) for latest information or click HERE to submit a waitlist application.
Our center provides full day pre-school and school age child care. We also offer full-time care during school vacations and snow days. Our activities are planned to engage the minds and bodies of older children. At Magic Seasons Center your children will get a positive learning and educational experience every day that they are with us.
We are located at 46 Howland Avenue, Adams, MA 01220 and on the bus route of the Hoosac Valley Regional School District and follow their school calendar.

Rosa Hernandez-O'Neil
Program Director
Magic Seasons School Age Center
Main Office (413) 664-4657
FAX (413) 664-4307
Magic Seasons Center (413) 743-2905
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